We Love It Wednesday

A friend recently named 2014 as The Year of Good Health.

I type that as I lay in bed with a cold. Ha! It’s hard not to see getting sick as the ultimate time waster. Who ever has time to be sick?!

But one thing we all love is good health. Here are a few home remedies, preventative measures, and tips I’ve found useful:

Cough Reliever
Sage Tea
-Boil about 6-8 sage leaves in 2 cups of water
-Strain tea into a cup (no leaves in the cup)
-Add a slice of lemon and honey to taste
-Optional: add a shot of whiskey to make an herbal hot toddy

Cinnamon Tea
-Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of honey to reduce cough and congestion.


Research shows that an alkaline body pH helps in fighting viruses. When body pH is overly acidic, the cold virus can follow. What’s a sicky to do?

Enter: Apple Cider Vinegar.

-Gargle with ACV (reduces mucus)
-Tea: one tablespoon of ACV, honey, and warm water. Drink a few times a day for relief of cold symptoms.


Coconut Oil
A natural antiviral, this oil is your friend.
-Rub on your neck.
-Take one to two spoonfuls a few times a day.
-Mix into oatmeal or other hot cereal (a great way to give the oil to kids).


-Vitamin C
-Vitamin D


-Ignore your symptoms. Fast action is the key in a shorter cold.
-Go to work. Again, no one has time to be sick, so why spread your cooties?
-Eat dairy. Cheese and milk are not your friend right now, as they build mucus.

-Drink lots of water.
-Washing your hands often will keep you and others healthier since you won’t spread the virus love.
-Eat chicken soup or broth (add fresh minced garlic and eat it immediately). It is not only soothing but boosts the immune system.
-Take a hot, steamy shower.
-Get lots of rest. Sleeping will help your body fight off the cold virus.

*NOTE: These tips will soothe your symptoms and will hopefully shorten the duration of your illness. These are NOT cures but remedies.

Always consult your physician for medical care and assistance as this information does NOT replace a physician’s instructions.